Diversey Sees Immediate Increase in Wellness Program Participation with Airbo

Diversey Sees Immediate Increase in Wellness Program Participation with Airbo


About Diversey

Diversey’s mission is to protect and care for people through leading hygiene, infection prevention, and cleaning solutions. The organization employs just under 1,000 people in the U.S. and over 8,500 globally. The population ranges from sales to manufacturing to IT. 

Goal: Boost Employee Wellbeing

Diversey needed to hire an experienced leader to launch a new initiative aimed at boosting employee engagement in wellbeing. During Angela Thurston’s interview for the job, she shared her success using Airbo to promote wellbeing at her prior employer. 

“When I was interviewing for the position, I said, oh, there's this great company called Airbo, and I had such a great experience. It helped with employee engagement, and we were able to promote our benefits to our employees in quick, interactive tiles.”

Not long after, Angela was hired as Benefits and Wellness Manager. Right away, Angela knew that she needed a streamlined way to drive engagement in wellness. But there were a couple of challenges:

  1. She needed a way to create content on a myriad of topics that she wanted to cover, but limited time and budget to do it.

  2. Even if she had the content, she didn’t think most people would see it. “We have an intranet,” Thurston said, “but who wants to dig through their company’s intranet to find information on EAP or wellness dollars or discounts?”

Customized Content

Not having enough time and budget is a major reason why many HR teams aren’t able to implement more benefits & wellbeing education. With that in mind, one of the primary reasons Angela brought in Airbo was because she knew that the platform offered a streamlined solution that provided content on many different topics, customized to Diversey. 

“If I had to make this content from scratch, it would probably take me a good 20, 30 hours.”

Bite-Sized Communication

Unlike posting an article to the intranet or sending an email, Airbo automatically provides employees with bite-sized content that they actually read.

“The only way people really knew about their benefits [before Airbo] was through the open enrollment guide,” Thurston said. “Since I’ve introduced Airbo, employees are engaged. Now, I can see from Airbo’s metrics what employees are engaging with, what matters to them.”

Fast Outcomes

Within the first weeks of implementation, Thurston was getting immediate feedback affirming that employees were engaging with Airbo–and enjoying it. 

Lunch-and-learns and targeted wellness initiatives–especially around mental health–were particularly successful. Many more employees were aware of them, so many more participated. 

“I’ve had coworkers tell me when I see them, ‘Hey, I went to the lunch-and-learn. This is great; I’ve never participated in something like this.’ They get excited about it,” Thurston said.

One employee enjoyed a lunch-and-learn so much that they contacted the speaker. 

“We had an employee who missed a wellness lunch-and-learn call, downloaded the record, and found such value in it that they reached out to the speaker to thank her,” Thurston said. “That was in the first month of using Airbo.”

Promoting Many Topics & Vendors

Beyond benefits awareness, Airbo has supported Diversey’s wellness initiative in myriad meaningful ways.

Interest in vendor programs increased. “There's been more traffic going to our Humana website, too, especially after I pushed an ERG about caregivers reaching out for mental health support” Thurston said. “I feel like that's helping employees because sometimes they don't even know we had these benefits.”

“A big thing we’ve been trying to do is remove the stigma of therapy,” Thurston said. “We’re pushing out Airbo content that makes it more of a norm, more of a focal point.”

Getting relevant information to target audiences at the right times has been a boon for Diversey’s efforts to support employees’ self-care.

“I can do a push in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month asking folks if they’ve taken advantage of their free mammogram or their annual screening for Colon Cancer Awareness Month,” Thurston said. “It’s making the employees take a look, like, ‘Hey, have you taken care of yourself today? Your boss wants you to take care of yourself.’”

Happy Employees

The employee response speaks for itself. 

“I’ve been getting so much feedback,” Thurston said. “It’s exciting to see employees engaging, and it helps us break down what they need. It’s another level of letting our employees know we care about them and have resources for them.”

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